Parity violation is evidence that our universe is inside an extremal Kerr black hole (plus QEG) 2024-03-24.
Slide shows:
The holoverse 2024-04-01.
Parity violation is evidence that our universe is inside an extremal Kerr black hole v1 2024-04-01.
Our universe is inside a black hole; dark energy is gravity v2 2023-04-27, v1 2023-04-25.
The Schwarzschild metric in absolute gravity v1 2023-04-23.
General relativity in ordinary three-dimensional space v2 2023-02-07, v1 2023-02-06.
General relativity, general covariance, and absolute gravity v1 2023-02-05.
The absolute gravity force equation in geodesic notation v1 2023-02-05.
Rate of change of proper time with respect to absolute time v2 2023-04-23, v1 2023-01-27.
The speed of photons in absolute gravity v4 2023-01-31, v3 2023-01-30, v2 2023-01-28, v1 2023-01-26.
The absolute gravity force equation as classical mechanics v2 2023-01-31, v1 2023-01-24.
On absolute clocks and rulers v3 2023-02-05, v2 2023-01-27, v1 2023-01-16.
Consistent notation for common coordinate systems v1 2023-01-15.
Implicit coordinate system transforms v1 2023-01-10.
General Relativity with Electromagnetism in Absolute Space and Time v5 2023-05-22, v4 2023-05-19, v3 2023-05-18, v2 2022-09-11.
v1 2022-09-04.
General Relativity in Absolute Space and Time v2 2022-09-02,
v1 2022-09-01.
How to explain the Michelson-Morley experiment in ordinary 3-dimensional space v5 2010-10-05.