Abstracts submitted to the APS 2025 conference, March 15-21, in Anaheim, CA:
Oral: The speed of gravitons in two-slit diffraction 2024-10-25.
Poster: Latest results in quantum electrogravity (QEG) 2024-10-23.
Parity violation is evidence that our universe is inside an extremal Kerr black hole (plus QEG) 2024-03-24.
Slide shows:
The holoverse 2024-04-01.
How to derive the field equations for three new kinds of gravitons v4 2025-01-10, v3 2024-12-23, v2 2024-12-16, v1 2024-12-06.
Supplementary Maxima file: gravitons_v3.mac 2025-01-10, v2 2024-12-23, v1 2024-12-03.
Parity violation is evidence that our universe is inside an extremal Kerr black hole v1 2024-04-01.
Our universe is inside a black hole; dark energy is gravity v2 2023-04-27, v1 2023-04-25.
The Schwarzschild metric in absolute gravity v1 2023-04-23.
General relativity in ordinary three-dimensional space v2 2023-02-07, v1 2023-02-06.
General relativity, general covariance, and absolute gravity v1 2023-02-05.
The absolute gravity force equation in geodesic notation v1 2023-02-05.
Rate of change of proper time with respect to absolute time v2 2023-04-23, v1 2023-01-27.
The speed of photons in absolute gravity v4 2023-01-31, v3 2023-01-30, v2 2023-01-28, v1 2023-01-26.
The absolute gravity force equation as classical mechanics v2 2023-01-31, v1 2023-01-24.
On absolute clocks and rulers v3 2023-02-05, v2 2023-01-27, v1 2023-01-16.
Consistent notation for common coordinate systems v1 2023-01-15.
Implicit coordinate system transforms v1 2023-01-10.
General Relativity with Electromagnetism in Absolute Space and Time v5 2023-05-22, v4 2023-05-19, v3 2023-05-18, v2 2022-09-11.
v1 2022-09-04.
General Relativity in Absolute Space and Time v2 2022-09-02,
v1 2022-09-01.
How to explain the Michelson-Morley experiment in ordinary 3-dimensional space v5 2010-10-05.
Older artificial neural network work:
D. B. Parker, "Optimal Algorithms for Adaptive Networks: Second Order Back
Propagation, Second Order Direct Propagation, and Second Order Hebbian
Learning", IEEE First International Conference on Neural Networks, June 1987,
D. B. Parker, "A comparison of algorithms for neuron-like cells",
Snowbird Conference on Neural Networks, April 1986,
in AIP Conference Proceedings 151, March 1987,
D. B. Parker, "Learning-Logic", TR-47, Center for Computational Research in
Economics and Management Science, MIT, April, 1985
D. B. Parker, "Learning-Logic", Invention Report, S81-64, File 1, Office of
Technology Licensing, Stanford University, October, 1982
Older experimental physics work:
J. E. Brau, et al., "The Lead Glass Columns: A Large Shower Detector at the
SLAC Hybrid Facility", Nuclear Instrumentation Methods 196(1982), 403-413
J. T. Carroll, et al., "Online Experience with the 168/E", Topical Conference on
Applications of Microprocessors to High Energy Physics Experiments, CERN, May,
1981, 501-514
J. T.
Carroll, et al., "Snoop Module CAMAC Interface to the 168/E Microprocessor",
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 27(1980), 587-590